
Our personal approach to retail sales creates the most direct link between our clients and their potential or existing customers. Unlike direct mail or telemarketing, we develop a relationship with prospective customers and address their specific needs with the advantage of visual demonstrations and product knowledge. By gaining a competitive advantage in the marketplace, Rock Pinnacle’s sales and marketing campaigns produce the rapid, dramatic, and continued success our clients are seeking.

We achieve success because of how effortlessly we integrate with our clients. One complaint many people have about consultants is that they can be disruptive. Our clients face no such issues. This, paired with our training methods and proven to work sales systems, make partnering with Rock Pinnacle & Co. a complete no-brainer.

Why choose us

Brand Expansion

We offer 100% ROI, therefore, the client only has to pay us when we find them quality customers. What does that mean? It means we're personally invested in the growth of their brands. In an age where branding and presentation are everything, our ability to increase name recognition is invaluable. 

Sales Coaching

In representing the diverse portfolio of clients we do, the sales coaching we deliver is a systematic approach that works regardless of industry. We believe in teaching the arts of persuasion, negotiation, and neuro-linguistics; sales aspects useful both with our clients and beyond.

Retail Sales

Being able to systematically attract and convert new customers keeps companies healthy and growing — and investors happy. By reaching out to new and current customers with a direct and friendly approach, we increase customer loyalty, minimizing attrition.


Market Share Growth

With expansion at the forefront of our and our client's minds, leaders are groomed and coached through a Management Training Program and provided an opportunity to oversee additional office locations outside of the Pittsburgh area!

we boast decades of combined sales experience

We work with ambitious leaders who want their future to be successful and help them achieve extraordinary outcomes.


return on investment


penguins fans


workers employed


annual conferences

Our mission

Rock Pinnacle & Co. aims to help our clients transform themselves and their brand and connect them with their customers in entirely new ways. To exceed our goals, Rock Pinnacle & Co. will focus on having interpersonal and authentic conversations, providing integrity-driven customer service with an emphasis on leadership development.